Certified Appraisal Team

Serving San Miguel, Montrose, and Ouray Counties for over 45 years

Why do I need a Real Estate Appraisal?

A Real Estate Appraisal becomes necessary for any number of reasons including buying, selling, insurance claims, partnership divisions, mortgage financing, estate planning, investment purposes, and many other reasons. Having a trusted, knowledgable, and experienced appraiser to give you an opinion of market value allows you to come to the table with the information needed to make a wise decision.

What is a Real Estate Appraisal?

A Real Estate Appraisal is the process of developing a credible opinion of property or land valuation. In a real estate appraisal, the properties highest and best use is evaluated. An appraiser generally starts with an in-person inspection of the property. From there data and current market research is analyzed along with comparable property research and selection. An appraisal of real estate involves three approaches to value-the cost approach, income approach, and sales comparison approach. Given the intended use, intended user, and scope of work, the appraiser will weigh which approach(s) best suit the clients need. There is much more that goes into a properties market value and having an experienced appraiser who knows your area is key to receiving credible results.

Why Choose Team Watson?

Watson Appraisal Team is the most experienced real estate appraisal team in the San Miguel, Ouray, and Montrose counties. Unmatched local expertise in mortgage solutions, construction planning and mortgage draw inspections, court testimony and litigation services, real estate sales research & analysis, local market buyer motivation, property highest and best use, local zoning requirements and regulation, land appraisals, and complex property valuations to name a few. Years of experience and unwavering trust, give clients the peace of mind when selecting Watson Appraisal Team. Our comprehensive approach to property evaluations coupled with extensive market research, local real estate buying and selling trends, and utilizing experts in all fields of real estate transactions give clients an edge with confidence.


  • Whether your home is large or small, new construction or well-lived in, our team starts with a personal in-person inspection of your property. We specialize in complex properties, Multi-million dollar estate, Single Family Residences, Manufactured & Modular homes, Green Design, and everything inbetween.


  • Whether your property is off-the-beaten trail or sits within the city limits, land valuation and understanding your properties highest and best use is essential for getting the most out of your investment. What are the zoning regulations? Does your vacant land have existing utilities? Are you planning to parcel out a portion of your land and sell it off? Our appraisal team is here to help you answer these questions and then some.

Complex properties

  • Watson Appraisal Services, Ltd has been appraising high net-worth estates in the San Miguel, Ouray, and Montrose Counties. With over 30 years of experience in real estate appraising, our team thoroughly researches comparable’s, provides opinion of site value, and sales comparision approach looking at your estate and improvements in a holistic manner providing comprehensive analysis of the overall value.

  • Do you snowmobile several months out of the year to access your home? Is your home’s design unique in your neighborhood? Are you living off the grid with solar panels and a backup generator? What is your unique property worth, really? What are home buyers and investors looking for when they want a remote access property? Watson Appraisal Services, Ltd specializes in unique and off-the-grid properties. Our approach and local experience living in the area, grants us a broad perspective and knowledge base of your unique property. We are here to offer our expertise and market analysis providing our client’s with diligent and thoughtful opinion of market valuation with insight on your unique property.

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